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Locally Owned and Operated

Village Tiny Homes owners

Why Buy from Village Tiny Homes?

Village Tiny Homes of Austin is a locally-owned tiny home business in Austin, Texas and the surrounding Central Texas area. We proudly provide Austin and Central Texas families quality and affordable housing for over 60 years.

We want you to find the Tiny Home of your dreams, the office of your dreams, and make owning your tiny home a reality for you. Village Tiny Homes can deliver modern tiny living options for every need such as: downsizing, guest house, weekend cabin, hunting lodge, home studio or office, lake cabin, pool house, granny-flat, ADU (Accessory Dwelling Units) and recreational tiny housing. We’ll be with you every step of the way as you find a new lifestyle of owning and living in your new Tiny Home.

Browse through our website to find the Tiny Home you’ve dreamed about. When you’re ready, schedule your Q&A consultation with us and also take an exclusive one-on-one tour.

bright bedroom with stained wood details

Our Expansive List of Services

Come fall in love with your next home! At Village Tiny Homes of Austin, we provide:

  • Special order guidance
  • New home sales
  • Bank financing
  • Owner financing

FREE Consultation